In duels, you have a health bar at the top right of your screen. 3 Tickets are available at a time, which all need to be used up to trigger the 6 h refresh timer.Every Duel costs 1 Ticket whether you win or lose, except for the last duel before each milestone which always costs 2 Tickets.Reaching milestones with wins will reward you with different prizes like Notebooks or new spells.The Duelling Club Event is time-limited (3 - 4 days) and often takes place during TLSQ.After completing a Round of Duels the first duel in the new round has no waiting time.

Round rewards are random picks of x amount of either Gems, Energy, Creature Food, Brown / Red / Blue Notebooks).There are additional rewards after a Round of Duels that consists of 7 - 12 cumulative wins.If you lose, you get another chance to duel with no waiting time, but it costs coins again.7 hour refresh rate between duels or pay Gems to play again (starts at 91 gems and decreases with time).There is a 10 gem reward after the second win (for completing the 'Go to the Duelling Room' SQ) The first two duels cost 50 coins each.Unlocks with your first duel against Rowan at Y1 Ch5.Lost duels can be repeated immediately, but require the same amount of coins again.Rewards for the win are XP to level up your character.Entry costs are varying amounts of coins for each duel.Your first duel within the main story starts at Y1 Ch5 against your friend Rowan.These are the different options for duels: Is a place located in the Dungeons (to the far right) where you can duel the avatars of other Hogwarts students in exchange for an entry fee.ĭuels are indicated by the crossed wands icon.

This means that your MC must win certain duels against various friends and enemies to move onward with the story or complete a SQ or TLSQ. Duelling is a significant part of the game play and comes up at different parts of the main story line, as well as Side Quests (SQ) and Time-Limited Side Quests (TLSQ).